Project Proposal for Burlington, IA

The Bookend Buildings in Downtown Burlington, Iowa
The following proposal details the project approach that the Burlington Team proposed for their work over the course of the 2010-2011 academic year.  This proposal addresses the three pillars of sustainability through the pursuit of economic revitalization in downtown Burlington; the environmentally-sound practice of restoring and reusing historic buildings; and the equitable provision of mixed-income commercial and residential space. 

Component 1:  Background Research and Case Studies
Written Report: October 2010
In order to determine an appropriate redevelopment approach for Downtown Partners, the Burlington Team will conduct extensive research on best practices in comparable cities.  These cities will be selected on the basis of their successful downtown revitalization projects,
as well as their similarities to Burlington in terms of population, geographic location, city makeup, and project scope.  The analysis of these best practice case studies will provide Downtown Partners with possible approaches and expected outcomes which can serve as a model for their own course of action for downtown redevelopment.

Component 2:  Action Plan for the Bookend Development
Written Report and Presentation to Downtown Partners: October 2010 – March 2011
The Action Plan will outline the strategy that Downtown Partners will pursue to facilitate redevelopment of the Bookend Buildings.   Information in the report will include historical background of the Bookend Buildings, current ownership status, and the plan for the purchase and sale of the buildings by Downtown Partners.

Additionally, the Action Plan will define the sort of support that Downtown Partners will need to provide to investors of the Bookend Buildings and other downtown properties.  Downtown Partners, Inc. and the Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities will develop a Downtown Redevelopment website that will serve as a resource for individuals taking on redevelopment projects in Downtown Burlington.  This website will provide information about relevant grants and tax credits, will present case studies of past redevelopment projects, will identify local businesses and services that could help with the redevelopment process, and will serve as a forum for discussion about Downtown redevelopment.  Downtown Partners should direct investors in the Bookend Redevelopment Project to this online resource.

Downtown Partners’ efforts to restore the Bookend Buildings will require the recruitment of and partnership with investors, which can be established and facilitated through the development of an Investment Proposal, described in detail below.

Component 3:  Investment Proposal for the Bookend Buildings
Written Report and Presentation to Potential Investors: October 2010 – April 2011
The Investment Proposal will provide potential investors with the necessary resources and information needed to make a knowledgeable investment in the Bookend Development. The provision of information on financing options and market potential will simplify the investment process for those interested, demonstrate the feasibility of the redevelopment, and highlight applicable financial incentives.  Several elements will be included in the Investment Proposal to achieve these objectives.   To simplify the process, the Proposal will describe in detail the steps required for restoration of the Bookend Buildings.  To demonstrate feasibility, estimated costs of the restoration process will be outlined along with the projected revenues that can be expected from future commercial and residential tenants.  Additionally, market studies completed in the recent past will be analyzed and then supplemented with qualitative data collected through focus groups and interviews with area professionals.  To show financial incentives for the Bookend Buildings, relevant tax breaks and grants will be identified as well as information on the application process and timing of the grants.  The Investment Proposal will also provide information on support services that will be available through Downtown Partners and other entities. 

Component 4:  Overall Vision for Downtown Redevelopment
Written Report and  Presentation to Downtown Partners: February 2011 – April 2011
The restoration of the Bookend Development will be just the first step in an incremental approach to revitalization of Downtown Burlington.  The Overall Vision for Downtown Redevelopment will evaluate the approach detailed in the (previously mentioned) Action Plan for Bookend Development and will make recommendations for Downtown Partners’ next steps.  This Plan will define a chronological approach to the redevelopment of other blocks or portions of blocks in Downtown Burlington.

Component 5:  Public Engagement
Interviews, Focus Groups, and Presentations: October 2010 – April 2011
Public engagement is an essential component of any planning project.  Due to the rather technical nature and the time constraints of this project, the Field Problems team proposes the active engagement of a focused group of professionals, rather than the Burlington community in a more holistic sense.  This narrowly-focused public might include: potential investors, current downtown property owners, city counselors and administrators, and the Downtown Partners board.  These stakeholders will be solicited for their well-informed input throughout our planning process.  They will also be the target audience for the reports of the previously-mentioned project components.